Professional Project: Individual
In the fall of 2021, I interned at A2Z Design, a product design company in Tel-Aviv, Israel. A2Z was asked to design a rapid Covid-19 testing machine that was quick, easy for the user to navigate, and could be stationed at busy locations. I was assigned this project and given much of the responsibility to come up with an initial design to pitch to the client. My experience working on this project has helped me to understand the importance of research in the design process.
I approached this project by imagining the machine’s potential users and quickly realized that user experiences would vary immensely from person to person. It would be difficult for young children and individuals with conditions like arthritis to administer their own tests. Therefore, I decided that at each location there should be at least one machine with a nurse present. Additionally, I realized that blind people would be unable to use the interface that I originally imagined, so I added braille to the display and a voice recording that read aloud the testing instructions. After further research and SolidWorks iterations, I developed a unique human-centered design for a vial and machine that fit the client’s requests.
Please click here to see the patent for the technology my design is based on